Monday, March 22, 2021

Little planet - Week 02

These are made with PTGui. First one turned out pretty ok. The second one on the other hand has some errors / glitches throughout.

THREE.js experiment

This is just a video texture applied to a sphere with the camera placed inside. As a result the mouse controls are inverted when you look around inside the sphere. If you zoom out outside the sphere the mouse controls are normal again. The embed is just an iframe.

fullscreen Vimeo backup

Monday, March 15, 2021

Pointalism - Week 01

These are shot on my phone. For these I just zoomed in max and randomly took pictures of each scene and stitched it together in photoshop later. However doing it this way you don't really have to physically move around to get all the pictures. As a result the stitching them together later doesn't really make for an interesting composition as the perspective is virtually the same. The only thing you really get is color differences.

This is image is really busy, so even though it's pretty roughly put together i feel like the edges still blend into one another. Not a good choice of "landscape".

I think I didn't move around nearly enough since i zoomed in. Maybe if I for example walked closer the tree and then tried to stitch it together like it was taken from far away I think it would've turned out more interesting.

This is composed of 8 different photos, with parts selected from each.